Gambier Island Anchorage – West Bay, Centre Bay, Port Graves & Halkett Bay
Gambier Island Anchorage. Gambier Island has three significant inlets, all pending from the south: West Bay, Centre Bay and Port Graves. A smaller inlet, Halkett Bay, is at the southeast corner of the island. Thornbrough Bay, on the west side of the island, has a public dock. We are told that boats often tie to log booms on the western (Port Mellon) side of the island. In the summertime, the water around Gambier Island warms to swimming temperatures. Gambier Harbour Public Wharf has 100 feet of dock space.
- West Bay. Favour the west shore when entering West Bay to avoid the reef extending from the eastern shore. West Bay once was a major log booming site and the bottom is apt to be foul with old cable and equipment. Anchorage in West Bay is in at least two places. The first is on the north side of the reef, close to the reef. The second is in the bight at the northeast corner of the bay. Easy anchoring depths are close to shore in this bight, but because of real estate development, you probably shouldn’t run a sternite to shore.
- Centre Bay. Most of Centre Bay is deep, but the little bight on the west side, just inside the entrance, has 18 – 24-foot anchoring depths and is delightful. Royal Vancouver and West Vancouver yacht clubs have outstations in Centre Bay. The docks belonging to the Centre Bay Yacht Station are at the head of the bay.
- Port Graves. Port Greaves is definitely the most scenic of Gambier Island’s inlets and has good anchoring depths at the head. Because of real estate development in West Bay and Centre Bay, Port Graves is the best anchoring spot on the island. A public wharf with a small float is located at the head of the bay, and a private dock is a short distance to the west. Anchor in the area off the docks and between them to avoid snagging logging cables on the bottom.
- Halkett Bay. Halkett Bay at the southeast corner of Gambier Island has room for a few yachts, but chop can be somewhat active in the southerly winds. Rocks are on the west side of the bay. Approach along the east shoreline. A small float provides access to Halkett Bay Marine Park with pit toilets, primitive campsites, and trails.
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