Deborah Tilby Art in the Victoria International Marina Gallery

We have a featured artist Deborah Tilby showing some of her local west coast art.   The piece above is titled: “Tied-Up” and priced $2,600.   If you are interested in purchasing any of the pieces shown please call the marina at +1 778 432 0477

Deborah Tilby is a Canadian Painter currently living in Victoria BC.  She is recognized as one of the top painters in the country and is a senior signature member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and also of the Oil Painters of America.  Her work has won many international awards, has appeared in International Artist, Southwest Art, Arabella and Artist magazines and is sought after by collectors all over North America and Europe.

Clouds Over the Sea BY Deborah Tilby

Clouds Over the Sea

This piece is “Clouds Over the Sea” Oil on board $2,600

This piece is an oil on board titled: “Red Roof Reflected” $2,900

This piece is titled: “Hanging Around” priced $2,250